Waid Observatory

Object: IC 1795
Date: Nov. - Dec. 2013      -      Location: Denton, TX
Telescope:   ATRC12 -  Mount: MI-250  - Camera: ST-10XME
Guided using Inovations Foresight On Axis Guider (ONAG)
Exposure: Ha - 120 min. (Bin 2X2) - OIII = 180 min. (Bin 2X2) - Image: Ha/OIII/OIII
Click on the image below to view at higher resolution.


IC 1795 - The Northern Bear Nebula


IC 1795

IC 1795, also known as the Northern Bear Nebula, is part of a huge star forming system of gas and dust located along the Perseus spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy.  The nebula is located in the constellation Cassiopeia approximately 6000 light-years from the Earth and is adjacent to the much larger Heart Nebula.  The brighter region of IC 1795 is designated NGC 896 and is the home to many massive, young, stars.  These stars radiate copious amounts of ultraviolet light.  This UV radiation excites the surrounding gas and causes it shine, mostly in red light, much the same way as a neon light emits its colorful hues.

The above image was assembled from exposures made through Hydrogen Alpha (deep red) and Oxygen III (blue-green or teal) filters.  These exposures were combined with Hydrogen Alpha mapped to the red channel and Oxygen III mapped to the green and blue channels.  This mapping produces a “near true color” image.

Copyright Donald P. Waid