Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 2403 / 2404
Date: Nov. 2023  -  Location: Dark Sky Observatory (DSOC)
Telescope: 16 inch RC  -  Mount: Paramount-MEII  -  Camera: FLI 16803
Exposure: L = 18x10 min. Ha = 16x15 min. RGB = 15x10 min. each - (All Bin 1x1)
Click on the image below to view at higher resolution.


NGC 2403


NGC 2403 / 2404

NGC 2403 is an intermediate spiral galaxy[1] located in the constellation Camelopardalis[1].  The galaxy is similar to M33 in size and numerous H II regions[1].  These regions are evident in the image above as glowing red areas and are the birth place of young hot stars[2].  One particularly bright H II region, located about the 10 o'clock position from the galaxy core, has its own designation of NGC 2304[3].

Massive young stars burn their useable fuel relatively quickly and end their lives in spectacular explosions.  Currently, as of this date, NGC 2403 is the host galaxy to the brightest, and nearest, supernova explosion this millennium[2]: SN2004dj.

NGC 2403 lies on the outer regions of the M81 Group[3].  Distance estimates for NGC 2403 have historically ranged from approximately 8 million[1] to 10 million[3] light years, however; J. Vinko, et al[5] analysed the Type IIp supernova (SN204dj) and determined the distance to be about 3.47Mpc ( ⁓ 11.3 million light years).

The above image is orientated with north up and east to the left.

1Wikipedia NGC 2403: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC_2403
2NoirLab: https://noirlab.edu/public/images/iotw2221a/
3Astronomy Mag. Jan. 2022: https://www.astronomy.com/observing/101-must-see-cosmic-objects-ngc-2403/
4NGC/IC Project: http://ngcicproject.observers.org/NGC/NGC_24xx/NGC_2404.htm
5J. Vinko, et al: https://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0604230.pdf

Copyright Donald P. Waid