Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 3628
Date: Mar. 9/10/11/12, 2024   -   Location: DSOC Fort Davis, TX
Telescope: RC-16 in.  -  Camera: FLI 16803
Exposure: Lum = 18x15 min. - Red, Green and Blue = 14x15 min. each (All Binned 1x1)   
Click on the image to view at higher resolution.


NGC 3628


NGC 3628
Discovered by William Herschel in 1784[4].

NGC 3628 is an unbarred spiral galaxy viewed edge on.  NGC 3628 is a member of a small interacting group of galaxies[1] known as the Leo Triplet[1].  The two other members are M65 and M66.  The galaxy lies in the constellation Leo and is approximately 35 million light-years from the Earth[2].  Due to the galaxy's shape, NGC 3628 is commonly known as "The Hamburger Galaxy"[1].

Perhaps the most conspicuous feature of NGC 3628 is the dark band of dust that bisects the galaxy[1].  This dust band is distorted and deformed in the outer regions of the galaxy[4].  This is probably due to gravitational interactions with its neighboring members of the Leo Triplet[4].

Extending to the left of the galaxy is a faint tidal tail.  This feature is the result of gravitational interaction with another galaxy[2].  Embedded within the tidal tail is the ultra-compact dwarf galaxy cataloged as NGC 3628-UCD1[2].  Z. G. Jennings, et al.[3] proposed that NGC 3628-UCD1 is an Omega Centauri-like star cluster possibly formed from the nucleus of an infalling dwarf galaxy[3].  A zoomed in version of the image showing the location of NGC 3628-UCD1 may be viewed here.

Many distant faint background galaxies can be seen throughout the image.  I located six very distant quasars surrounding NGC 3628.  A labeled image displaying these quasars may be viewed here.

1Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC_3628
2NOIRLab: https://noirlab.edu/public/images/noirlab2330d/
3Z. G. Jennings et al.: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2041-8205/812/1/L10/pdf
4SEDS: http://www.messier.seds.org/xtra/ngc/n3628.html

Copyright Donald P. Waid