Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 7008 - The Fetus Nebula
Date: June 22,23,26,28, July 2, 2015      Location: Denton, TX
Telescope: ATRC12    -    Mount: MI-250  -   Camera: ST-10XME
Exposure: L = 210 min. - R, G, and B = 90 min. each - Ha = 180 ,min. - OIII = 270 min.
Guided using Innovations Foresight On Axis Guider (ONAG)
Click on the image to view at higher resolution.


NGC 7008 - The Fetus Nebula

NGC 7008 1

NGC 7008, also known as the Fetus Nebula, is a planetary nebula with a diameter of about 1 light-year.  This unusual looking nebula is located at a distance of approximately 2,800 light-years in the northern constellation of Cygnus.  Planetary nebulae are formed by the death throes of a mid-sized star.  As the star depletes its supply of nuclear fuel, it expels its outer layers in violent and often chaotic outbursts leaving behind its hot core.  Although no longer fusing fuel, the core radiates heavily in the ultra-violet portion of the spectrum.  This radiation excites the expelled gas and causes it to ‘glow’ much the same manner as a neon sign.

The bright yellow and blue stars located just below the nebula are not part of on NGC 7008.  They comprise a binary star system and has been given the designation of HJ 1606.

This image of NGC 7008 was assembled from exposures captured through narrowband Ha and OIII filters along with wideband filtered Red, Green, Blue, and Luminance exposures.


Copyright Donald P. Waid