Waid Observatory

Object: NGC 7331 - The Deer Lick Group
Date: Oct. 9/10/11/12, 2022  -  Location: Dark Sky Observatory (DSOC)
Telescope: 16 inch RC  -  Mount: Paramount-MEII  -  Camera: FLI 16803
Exposure: LRGB = 18x10 min. each filter (Bin 1x1)
Click on the image below to view at higher resolution.


NGC 7331


NGC 7331 in Deer Lick Group

Discovered by William Herschel in 17843.

NGC 7331, the large galaxy in the image above, is the dominant member of the Deer Lick Group of galaxies located in the constellation Pegasus approximately 40 million light years(1) from the Earth. The Deer Lick Group consists of NGC 7331 and the four small galaxies on its left(3). These small galaxies are actually background galaxies approximately 300-350 million light years distant. The alignment of these galaxies with NGC 7331 is by mere chance(1,2,3). This grouping of galaxies are commonly referred to as the Deer Lick Group(3). The name is attributed to the amateur astronomer Tom Lorenzin who observed the grouping from the Deerlick Gap Overlook in North Carolina(3).

The above image is orientated with north up and east to the left.

1Wikipedia NGC 7331 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC_7331
2NGC 7331 Group - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC_7331_Group
3Astronomy.com - https://astronomy.com/magazine/news/2022/03/101-must-see-cosmic-objects-ngc-7331

Copyright Donald P. Waid